TBL Bhawan 2nd – 5th Floor, E-18, Peter Street, Khatla Aizawl, Mizoram - 796001
Fax: 0389-2336299/ 2335523, Tel. No. : 0389-2335625/2336555
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No. H.11019/27/12-JERC Dated Aizawl, the 29th February, 2016
Venue : I & PR Department Conference Hall, Aizawl, Mizoram
Date & Time : 15th February, 2016, 11:00 a.m.
The Chairman of the Committee and Chairperson of the Commission, Mr. R. K. Kishore Singh due to his urgent works at Manipur could not attend the Meeting and he authorised Er. L. Pachuau, Chief (Engineering) of the Commission to Chair the Committee on his behalf.
The list of Members and Participants who attended the Committee is appended.
Agenda No. 1.Confirmation on the Minutes of the SAC Mizoram held on 16th
The Chairman requested the Members to give their comments on the Minutes of the Meeting, on agenda No.2 of the Minute, the name of Er. F. Liantluanga, S.E, P.H.E Department was inadvertently mentioned as Er. F. Lalliantluanga S.E, P.H.E Department, hence the name stands corrected.
After obtaining nods from the Members, the Meeting minute was then declared as confirmed.
Agenda No. 2. Determination of Tariff for Power & Electricity Department, Mizoram
for FY 2016-17.
The Chairman requested, Er. L. Pachuau, E-in-C, P & E Department to highlight the important points of the Tariff Petition for information of the Committee. The E-in-C stated that the over-all increase of the proposed Tariff for FY 2016-17 is about 8.21% from the existing Tariff. He further stated that the proposed increase in the tariff is required so as to decrease the amount of support as subsidy received from the Government.
The Joint Secretary, P & E Department, Er. Lalduhzuala Sailo, representing the Secretary, P&E Department enquired the amount of the revenue gap for FY 2016-17 and the amount of Government subsidy. To which it was stated that revenue gap with existing tariff is Rs. 94.54 Crores and with the proposed 8.21% tariff like it is expected to receive additional revenue of Rs. 10.13 cr. and the balance Rs. 84.41 cr is required to be borne by the State Government as subsidy. Pu Vanlalruata, Vice President representing President, CYMA also stated that the decreasing trend of the revenue gap is very good. And also the decreasing trend on the number of employees. He also stated that high cost on employee is not favoured.
The E-in-C informed the Committee that the Department plans to start using the energy meter with MDI facility with effect from 1st April, 2016 on all the towns covered under R-APDRP. Computerised billing he is being started from Kolasib town and the North East Data Center is at Guwahati with Data Recovery Center at Agartala, which is yet to function in full swing. The next computerised billing is to start from Lunglei. The target completion date is June, 2016. After completion of the computerised billing system, spot billing system will be started. Er. F. Liantluanga S.E, P.H.E Department representing E-in-C, P.H.E Department stated that huge amount of bill has been given by PHE Department monthly towards the cost of power supply and enquired whether billing based on maximum demand for fixed charge can be applied in their power which is very much now needed by their Department. The E-in-C, replied that with MDI energy meter it could be done. He further stated that maximum demand shall be revised from time to time and they shall not be allowed to draw power more than contracted maximum demand. Mr. Vanlalruata, Vice President, CYMA stated that incentives on tariff is required to promote industries in Mizoram. Mr. Lalbiakzuala Aihneh, IPO representing Director, Industries Department also stated that energy meter with MDI facility is very much needed for their industrial complexes as they are paying huge amount on electricity without utilizing power.
Sections of the Members of the Committee were of the opinion that the P&E Department being a Government Department, the increase in the tariff is to be borne by the Government and not by the public.
The Chairman informed the Committee Members that increase in the tariff is very much required so as to enable the Department to sustain itself in the long run. The consumers shall borne only a small portion of the increase in the tariff and the balance is to be borne by the State Government as subsidy. And after ascertaining in the views of the Members, it was agreed that increase in tariff is required.
Agenda No. 3. Corporatisation of Power & Electricity Department, etc. proposed by
Mizoram Consumers’ Union Headquarters.
The agenda proposed by the MCU Headquarters. was read out by the Chairman. Mr.Vanlalruata expressed the view that corporatization of the P&E Department is very much needed for better service facility to the consumers. The E-in-C, P&E Department informed the Members that clear demarcations on Transmission, Generation and Distribution is being made in the Department for better functioning and efficiency.
The Members proposes to request the Government to constitute a Team of Experts to study corporatization of our neighbouring states like Manipur, Tripura, Assam, etc and the team may comprises of members representing CYMA, MCU, MHIP Gen. Hqrs, MJA, P&E Department, Law & Judicial, Finance Department, etc. And submit their report to the Government for needful action.
On the Consumer Grievances Redressal Mechanism for more effective set up proposed by the MCU was deliberated. The E-in-C, informed the Committee that Customer Care Center is being operationalised and that Internal Grievances Redressal Cells along with Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum is in place in the Department and complaints are as being redressed timely. The Chairman also informed the Committee that time limits are set out for redressal of grievances and that they can even approach the Commission if not satisfied with the decisions of the Forum through Ombudsman. Pu Vanlalruata, Vice President CYMA stated that the services of the P&E Department has improved with the coming up of the Regulatory Commission in Mizoram in the power sector. But, he further stated that street lights are still being put on even during day time. The E-in-C replied that street lightening is under the control of the Aizawl Municipal Corporation and that this matter needs to be taken up with them.
The E-in-C reported that the problems of current fluctuation in voltage and frequency is being improved by installation of 190 numbers of transformers within the Aizawl city and this installation shall be completed very soon. Further, 33KV sub-station is also being proposed at Maumual, Aizawl. Over-loaded conductors are also being replaced with new one, with this, voltage fluctuations, etc will not be there. About 29 villages in Mizoram are yet to be electrified and that 100 electrification of Mizoram will be completed very soon under RGGVY scheme.
Un-authourised collection of money by linesman of P&E Department on pole climbing etc. is against the law and that any fees that are needed to be paid is to be deposited in the office of the Department as stated by the E-in-C.
The Chairman informed that rent on meter of the Department on relisation of actual cost of meter price cannot be stopped, as it is the Department’s property. However, the consumers can procure energy meter from vendors and after proprer calibration and inspection by the Department, it can be installed and they need not pay any meter rent.
The Meeting ended at 1:50 p.m. with the vote of thanks from the Chair.
Memo No.H.11019/27/12-JERC : Dated Aizawl, the 29th February, 2016
Copy to:
1. P.S to Hon’ble Chief Minister, i/c P&E Department, Gov’t of Mizoram for kind information to the Hon’ble Chief Minister.
2. PS to Secretary, P&E Department, Gov’t of Mizoram for kind information to the Secretary and for taking necessary action on the Minutes of the Meeting.
3. All Members / Invitees of the State Advisory Committee for kind information and for taking necessary action on the Minutes of the Meeting.
4. Guard File.
Assistant Secretary
TBL Bhawan 2nd – 5th Floor, E-18, Peter Street, Khatla Aizawl, Mizoram - 796001
Fax: 0389-2336299/ 2335523, Tel. No. : 0389-2335625/2336555
Website:, Email:
List of Members and Participants who attended the 18th Meeting of State Advisory Committee of Mizoram.
Date & Time : 15th February, 2016(Monday) from 11:00 a.m.
Venue : I & PR Department Conference Hall, Treasury Square, Aizawl.
Sl. No | Name | Designation |
1 | LALDUHZUAL SAILO | Jt. Secretary for Secretary, Power & Electricity Department. |
2 | F. LIANTLUANGA | SE for Engineer – in – Chief, PHE Department |
IPO for Director, Industries Department. |
4 |
C. LALZUILIANA | Director, Trade & Commerce Department. |
5 |
ETHEL ROHTHANGPUII | Secretary for Commissioner, Aizawl Municipal Corporation. |
6 |
LALPEKHLUA | President, Mizoram Chamber of Industries & Commerce. |
7 |
DR. THANPUII | Vice- President for President, Mizoram Hmeichhia Insuihkhawm Pawl.Gen. Hqrs. |
8 |
VANLALRUATA | Vice- President for President, Central Young Mizo Association |
9 |
ZAHLIRA RALTE | AGS, for President, Mizoram Upa Pawl, General. Headquarters. |
10 |
R. REMMAWIA | Jt. Director for Director, Transport Department. |
11 |
H. LALCHHUANAWMA | Dy. Director for Director, Local Administration Department. |
12 |
R. LALTLUANGA | Treasurer for President, AMFU, Gen. Hqrs. |
13 |
Engineer – in –Chief, P&ED |
14 |
15 |
RICHARD ZOTHANKIMA | Assistant Secretary, JERC(M&M) |
16 |
H. THANTHIANGA | Assistant Chief (Engineering), JERC(M&M) |
17 |
Consultant, JERC(M&M) |
18 |
Consultant, ASCI |
19 |
SE(Commercial) P&ED |
20 |
AE(Commercial) P&ED |
21 |
JE(Commercial), P&ED |
22 |
Consultant, P&ED |
23 |
Consultant, P&ED |