1. Adaptation of Law & Order, Regulations, 2008

        (i) Confidential Report, 2nd Order, 2008, Click  Here

       (ii) Displinary Proceeding & Important of Penalties,

              1st Order, 2008,  Click  Here

        (iii) Medical Facility, 3rd Order, 2008,  Click  Here


2. Recruitment Control & Services Condition Officers & Staffs,

               Regulations, 2008,  Click  Here    Appendix -  Click  Here


3. Appointment of Consultants, Regulations, 2009, Click  Here


4. Standard of Performance for Distribution and Transmission Licensees,

                                Regulations, 2010(REPEALED), Click  Here


5. Procedure Terms & Conditions for Grant of Distribution Licence and 

            other  Related Matters, Regulations, 2010, Click  Here


6. Consumer Grievance Redresal,Regulations,2010(REPEAL),

                                                                                           Click Here

7. Terms & Conditions for Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy                                                                                                                                              Sources, Regulations, 2010, Click Here


8. Renewable Purchase Obligation and its Compliance,Regulations,2010, Click  Here


9. Conduct of Business, Regulations, 2010,  Click  Here


10. Citizens Charter, Regulations, 2010, Click Here 


11. Electricity Ombudsman, Regulation, 2010,  Click  Here


12. Constitution of SAC & Its Functions,Regulations,2010, Click Here


13. Procedure, Terms & Condition for Grant of Intra-State Trading

       License & Other Related Matter,Regulations,2010, Click Here


14. Terms & Conditions for open Access,Regulations,2010,Click Here


15. Fees, Fine and Charges,Regulations,2010, Click Here


16. Procedure, Terms & Conditions for Payment of Fees and Charges

       to State Load Despatch Centre and Other Related Provisions,Regulations,2010,  Click Here


17. Electricity Supply Code,Regulations,2010(REPEALED),Click Here


18. Compliance Audit, Regulations, 2010, Click Here


19.  Terms & Conditions for Determination of Tariff,

                                Regulations, 2010(REPEAL),  Click Here

            Appendix - A - Tharmal, Click Here

            Appendix - B - Hydro, Click Here

            Appendix - C - Transmission, Click Here

            Appendix - D - Distribution, Click Here


20. Electricity Ombudsman(First Amendment)Regulations,2010,Click Here 


21. Grid Code, Regulations, 2010, Click  Here


22. Power Purchase and Procurement,Regulations,2012, Click Here


23. Demand Side Management,Regulations,2012, Click Here


24. Electricity Supply Code, Regulations,2013,  Click Here


25. Standard of Performance for Distribution and Transmission Licensees,

        Regulations, 2014, Click Here


26. Multi Year Tariff, Regulations, 2014 Click Here

       Appendix- A(Format) Generation Business,  Click Here

       Appendix- B(Format) Distribution-Income Tax C. Click  Here

       Appendix- C(Formats) Distribution- Total Business. Click Here

       Appendix- D(Formats) Distribution- Wheeling Business. Click Here

       Appendix- E(Formats) Distribution- Retail Supply Business. Click Here


27. Grid Code(First Amendment) Regulations,2014, Click  Here 


28. Terms & Conditions for Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy  

       Sources(First Amendment)Regulations,2014,Click Here


29. Electricity Supply Code(First Amendment)Regulations,2014, Click Here


30. Electricity Supply Code(Second Amendment)Regulations,2015, Click Here


31. Electricity Supply Code(Third Amendment)Regulations,2016, Click Here


32. Fees, Fines and Charges(First Amendment)Regulations,2016, Click Here

                                      ****Statement of Reasons(SoR)****,  Click Here


33. Forcasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and Related

        Matters of Solar and Wind Generation Sources, Regulations, 2016,  Click Here


34. Electricity Supply Code(Fourth Amendment)Regulations,2016, Click Here

35. Metering for Grid Connected Renewable Energy,Regulations,2016, Click Here

                                       ** Statement of Reasons** , Click Here 


36. Electricity Supply Code(Second Amendment)Regulations,2015,CORRIGENDUM, Click Here

37. Electricity Supply Code(Fifth Amendment)Regulations,2016Click Here

38. Electricity Supply Code(Sixth Amendment)Regulations,2016, Click  Here

39. Metering for Grid Connected Renewable Energy(First Amendment),Regulations, 2016,  Click Here


40. Consumer Grievance Redressal,Regulations,2016, Click Here


41. Electricity Supply Code(Seventh Amendment)Regulations,2016, Click Here

42. Electricity Supply Code(Eight Amendment)Regulations,2017, Click  Here

43. Adaptation of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission(CERC),Renewable Energy,Regulations,2014,Click Here


44. Electricity Supply Code(Ninth Amendment)Regulations,2017, Click  Here

45. State Advisory Committee & Its Functions, Regulations, 2018, (First Amendment), Click  Here


46. Electricity Supply Code(Tenth Amendment)Regulations, 2018, Click Here

47. Multi Year Tariff(First Amendment) Regulations,2019, Click Here


48. Electricity Supply Code(Eleventh Amendment) Regulations, 2019, Click Here

49. Electricity Supply Code(Twelfth Amendment)Regulations, 2019, Click Here

50. Electricity Supply Code(Thirteenth Amendment)Regulations, 2019, Click Here

51. Electricity Supply Code, Regulations,2013( With up to 9th Amendment incorporated),  Click Here    

52. Electricity Supply Code (Fourteen Amendment), Regulations, 2021, Click Here    

53. Electricity Supply Code (Fifteen Amendment), Regulations, 2021, Click Here

54. Fees, Fine and Charges,Regulations,2020( Second Amendment), Click  Here

55. Electricity Supply Code( Sixteen Amendment) Regulations, 2022 & SOR, Click Here

56. Recruitment, Control and Service Conditions of Officers and Staff,(First Amendment)
Regulations, 2021, Click Here

57. Metering for Grid Connected Renewable Energy(Second Amendment),Regulations, 2022, & SOR, Click  Here

58. Electricity Supply Code (Seventeen Amendment) Regulations, 2022 & SOR. Click Here

59. Renewable Purchase Obligation and its Compliance(First Amendment),Regulations,2022 & SOR, Click Here

60. Metering for Grid Connected Renewable Energy(Third Amendment), Regulations, 2023, Click Here

61. Fuel and Power Purchase Cost Adjustment Regulations, 2023, Click Here

62. Threshold Limit for Intra-State Transmission projects through Tariff Base Competitive  Bidding for the State of Mizoram. Click Here

63. Metering for Grid Connected Renewable Energy (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2023. Click Here

64. Methodology for determination of Green Energy Open Access Charges, Regulations, 2024, Click Here 

65. Threshold Limit for Intra-State Transmission projects through Tariff Base Competitive Bidding for the State of Manipur, Click Here

66. Threshold Limit for Intra-State Transmission projects through Tariff Base Competitive Bidding for the State of Manipur(Gazette Copy)  Click Here

67. Intra Essential Reliability Services Regulation, 2020, Click Here

68. Electricity Supply Code (Eighteen Amendment) Regulations, 2024, Click Here